Grey Blending
Have you been a slave to your grey hair for a long time? Do the constant touch ups drive you crazy?
Or perhaps they’ve just started to show up and bother you now? One thing is for sure, the greys will keep coming and there will be more greys as time goes by. However, this doesn’t have to be a problem. Laura knows of a way that can help you make friends with your greys!
She has perfected her grey blending technique where a special colour mixture is applied only to where the greys are more visible, making them look blonde and most importantly, without building up dark pigment or altering your natural hair colour - your base.
Like highlights, Laura’s grey blending technique creates light and shade throughout your hair. In the long run, this makes it a lot easier to achieve beautiful, clean blondes and avoids colour fading and oxidation which makes the hair look brassy or reddish. As the regrowth starts coming through, it's not as noticeable because there's much less contrast. The result is a multidimensional, low maintenance look you’ll love!
Book in a free consultation and see if this is for you.